

This element allows the user to input a known RT and volume to characterise the space.

As per the Room element; however, enables the inputs of reverberation time in lieu of selection of a range of different room and space types.  Subsequently provides the room effect to enable the determination of the sound pressure level at a location within a room when subject to a sound power level.

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User Inputs

  1. Length (m): Room length
  2. Width (m): Room width
  3. Height (m): Room height
  4. Distance (m):The distance from the source to the location in the room to enable the calculation of the direct component of noise in the room
  5. Materials: Input floor, ceiling, walls area & absorption data
  6. Source Directivity: The directivity of the source with respect to the direct component (free space, hemispherical, etc;)
  7. Noise Criterion: Can select NC curve if desired.

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SoundSurfer Input

Sound Power Level (red node) entering the room or in the space.