
Provides the sound pressure level for:

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User Inputs

The user inputs will vary based on the Transfer Type Selection, only the relevant inputs for the selection will appear.

  1. Transfer Type Selection: The noise transfer mechanism being ‘Room to Room’, ‘Outdoor to Room’, ‘Room to Outdoor (near wall)’, ‘Room to Outdoor (distant)’
  2. Dividing Wall Transmission Loss: The transmission loss of the dividing wall or building element (quick input or from database)
  3. Dividing Wall Area (m$^2$): The area of the dividing wall or building element
  4. Receiving Room: Properties of the recieving room, if applicable for room reciever
  5. Distance from wall (m): If applicable for outdoor reciever
  6. Noise Criterion: If applicable for room reciever

SoundSurfer Input

Reverberant Sound Pressure Level (blue node) in a room or space.
