SoundSurfer provides an acoustic assessment tool to predict the noise from mechanical services systems into occupied spaces or outdoor areas.

It utilises graphical elements to account for the various inputs (say fans or air handling units) and insertion losses (from say acoustically lined ductwork or attenuators) in a system. These elements are connected in series to determine the resultant noise level in a space or outdoors.


Information provided within this help file will assist in using SoundSurfer by providing the underlying assumptions and algorithms and assumes a level of understanding of acoustics and mechanical services systems.

The help file provides:

  1. Overview of fundamental inputs and menus
  2. The underlying assumptions and algorithms for each element in the SoundSurfer suite
  3. The connectivity features available to link elements.

Whilst SoundSurfer has been developed to assess mechanical services systems, the flexibility provided by the elements enable its adaptation to simple architectural and environmental acoustic calculations.