Input the sound pressure level of a source such as a fan at a distance
User Input
Quick input:
- Input the Name, Octave band, dB(Z) into Property Inspector panel
From Database:
- Go to the Project Database Editor Database
- Click Show Global Database rows and add relevant data from Global Database, OR
- Add New data into the Project Database Editor and input the sound pressure level (input all fields including Database Origin and Source Citation so that the data can be referenced for future projects). The data is input in linear octave bands (dB re 20µPa).
- Return to main screen and select Show Search in Sound Pressure Level element Property Inspector to select the relevant data.
The Sound Pressure Level element provides a Sound Pressure Output octave bands in dB(A), dB(Z) and dB(C).
Click on ‘Z’ of the Sound Power Output to see dB(A) and dB(C) weightings.